Crypto (110 pts)
Strength in Difference
We've captured the flag encrypted several times... do you think you can recover it?
Along with this clue we had a file containing again a list of long numbers with a header listing them as "N : e : c" format. So again yeah, RSA public keys along with corresponding ciphertext. The clue essentially tells us that all of the ciphertexts should be the same.
{N : e : c}
{0xa5f7f8aaa82921f70aad9ece4eb77b62112f51ac2be75910b3137a28d22d7ef3be3d734dabb9d853221f1a17b1afb956a50236a7e858569cdfec3edf350e1f88ad13c1efdd1e98b151ce2a207e5d8b6ab31c2b66e6114b1d5384c5fa0aad92cc079965d4127339847477877d0a057335e2a761562d2d56f1bebb21374b729743L : 0x1614984a0df : 0x7ded5789929000e4d7799f910fdbe615824d04b055336de784e88ba2d119f0c708c3b21e9d551c15967eb00074b7f788d3068702b2209e4a3417c0ca09a0a2da4378aa0b16d20f2611c4658e090e7080c67dda287e7a91d8986f4f352625dceb135a84a4a7554e6b5bd95050876e0dca96dc21860df84e53962d7068cebd248dL}
{0xa5f7f8aaa82921f70aad9ece4eb77b62112f51ac2be75910b3137a28d22d7ef3be3d734dabb9d853221f1a17b1afb956a50236a7e858569cdfec3edf350e1f88ad13c1efdd1e98b151ce2a207e5d8b6ab31c2b66e6114b1d5384c5fa0aad92cc079965d4127339847477877d0a057335e2a761562d2d56f1bebb21374b729743L : 0x15ef25e10f54a3 : 0x7c5b756b500801e3ad68bd4f2d4e1a3ff94d049774bc9c37a05d4c18d212c5b223545444e7015a7600ecff9a75488ed7e609c3e931d4b2683b5954a5dc3fc2de9ae3392de4d86d77ee4920fffb13ad59a1e08fd25262a700eb26b3f930cbdc80513df3b7af62ce22ab41d2546b3ac82e7344fedf8a25abfb2cbc717bea46c47eL
This time we note a couple of things. Firstly the exponents are a much more reasonable size so we won't use Wiener's attack. Secondly all of the modulii are the same. Third, the exponents are all different.
So here, we want to use a common modulus attack. This attack works when the same message is sent multiple times with the same modulus (n) and different public exponents (e). If we can find two exponents which have no common factors (i.e. with a gcd == 1) then we can use simple math to recover the plaintext. The attack works like this.
- Firstly, iterate through our list of exponents and examine each exponent pair (call them e, and f) for common factors
- If no common factors are found, if gcd(e, f) == 1, then calculate r and s in the equation:
- e*r + f*s = 1
- Calculate the plain text using the equation
- (M e mod n)r x (M f mod n)s = Mer+fs mod n = M mod n
import sys
# math code from
def gcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
x, y = 0, 1;
return (b, x, y);
tup = gcd(b % a, a)
d = tup[0]
x1 = tup[1]
y1 = tup[2]
x = y1 - (b / a) * x1
y = x1
return (d, x, y)
#solve the Diophantine equation a*x0 + b*y0 = c
def find_any_solution(a, b, c):
tup = gcd(abs(a), abs(b))
g = tup[0]
x0 = tup[1]
y0 = tup[2]
if c % g != 0:
return (False, x0, y0)
x0 *= c / g
y0 *= c / g
if a < 0:
x0 *= -1
if b < 0:
y0 *= -1
return (True, x0, y0)
# read all the rsa stuff into a buffer
f = open('captured_827a1815859149337d928a8a2c88f89f','rb')
rsastuff =
rsatrunk = rsastuff.splitlines()
modulii = []
exponents = []
ciphers = []
for junk in rsatrunk:
gear = junk.split(":")
gear[0] = gear[0].replace("{","")
gear[2] = gear[2].lstrip()
gear[2] = gear[2].replace("}","")
if "N" in gear[0]: # handle the header
print "[+] Performing common modulus attack..."
for a in exponents:
for b in exponents:
if a <> b:
c1 = ciphers[exponents.index(a)]
c2 = ciphers[exponents.index(b)]
n = modulii[exponents.index(a)]
(x, a1, a2) = find_any_solution(a, b, 1)
if a1 < 0:
(x, c1, y) = find_any_solution(c1, n, 1)#get inverse element
a1 = -a1
if a2 < 0:
(x, c2, y) = find_any_solution(c2, n, 1)
a2 = -a2
m = (pow(c1, a1, n) * pow(c2, a2, n)) % n
flag = ("%0512x" %m).decode("hex")
if "flag" in flag:
print "[+] Flag: " + flag
When we run the code we get the flag
root@mankrik:~/plaid/strength# ./
[+] Performing common modulus attack...
[+] Flag: flag_Strength_Lies_In_Differences
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